What Is "Three-Dimensionality"?
"Three-Dimensionality," for lack of a better term, refers to the ability of a written document to express ideas and concepts beyond the mere left-to-right and up-and-down (at least in Romantic languages) flow of the words. An example of this is footnotes; these allow the author of a document to elaborate on a specific idea that would not contribute effectively to the main document. To a certain degree, any hyperlink can be viewed as providing "three-dimensionality," as it provides an intersection to another document that details a specific aspect of the current document.

What Is Pipe Linking?
Pipe linking, on the other hand, is an aspect of everything2 that allows users to link between documents. For those unfamiliar, a pipe link is a method of linking between two writeups on everything2 in which the text of the link says something different than what one is actually linking to. For example, this is a pipe link and so is this one. Adding a pipe link to a writeup is simple. To add a normal link, you would write [Fight Club] in a writeup, and the result would be Fight Club. However, a pipe link is a bit different; to add a pipe link, you would write something like [Vanilla Ice|Word To Your Mutha], and the resulting link would be Word To Your Mutha. For more info on this, read e2 faq: integrate your writeups.

Another useful feature of pipe links is that with modern web browsers (and Internet Explorer, too), the actual "target" of the pipe link (in other words, the node you would go to when you click on the link) is shown as a tool tip by default, so you can comprehend what exactly the pipe link is linking to.

How Do They Relate?
Essentially, you can use pipe links to provide "three-dimensionality" to your writeups. This can go in the direction of providing additional information about a term that you are using, providing commentary on the noun that you're using, explaining the symbolism of some of the elements of your writeup, providing humor, or providing content that should otherwise be hidden. Here are some examples:

Providing additional information
Jennifer's excellent writeup about 9/11 inspired me greatly.
Above, many regulars may know immediately from the sentence above that I am referring to the amazing The Three Men I Admired Most: Manhattan, 9/11/01, written by e2's very own Jennifer. However, other users might not immediately recall this; with a quick mouseover, however, they are reminded. For newer users who haven't read the writeup, the link allows them to quickly visit the full document.

A quena is quite similar to other woodwinds.
Above, the word other is used to further detail the meaning of woodwind; a quick mouseover will provide greater detail on what exactly a woodwind is.

Providing commentary
George W. Bush has a lot in common with Richard Nixon.
Above, the phrase "a lot in common" is appropriately pipe linked to express an opinion toward two Presidents of the United States.

Beck's first album is rather unique.
The "rather unique" pipe link provides a bit of commentary as to an opinion on Beck's first album (which I actually quite like).

Providing symbolism annotation
Arnie headed downstairs to the security compound and began to look through the checkin-checkout records for the last several days.
Above, the linked terms provide assistance in understanding the symbolism of the scene. More examples of this can be taken from my writeup, The envelope.

Providing humor
My significant other says I can't go.
Above is a bad attempt at humor, but it gets across the general idea of using pipe links for humorous content. Examining the pipe links in order will provide the joke.

Providing "hidden" content
You could always use the Konami code if you want 30 lives.
This technique allows you to encode information that you might not otherwise want people to see. For instance, the above sentence would work well for me: I wouldn't want to know such a code, but if it were laid in front of me, I would be tempted to use it. This way, I can find it if I want with just a mouseover.

The above are just examples of methods for using pipe links to provide another dimension to your writeups. A well-pipe linked writeup provides more information and entertainment than one without these techniques, and is more likely to receive the interest of other denizens of e2.

In addition, reading of e2 faq: integrate your writeups is strongly recommended.

This is a nodeshell rescue that a new user asked me about. I felt that it deserved a writeup.