One way to lighten the impact of a statement containing sexual innuendo while still emphasizing the originally intended negative meaning, adding clarity in case of ambiguity and perhaps gaining a chuckle or two.

“Sometimes there's not a better way.
Sometimes there's only the hard way.”

-- Mary E. Pearson

And not in a good way is a phrase, normally spoken, used to make clear that something said immediately before is indeed unwanted or unfavorable. It's often used to ensure that the double-entendre of a situation or event is unmistakable to others present, and to draw attention away from any expletives that may have been used in polite or professional compay and/or to downplay any perceived or unintended crossing of boundaries into a hostile work environment.

Examples of statements that and not in a good way might follow:

Additionally, I might add may follow and not in a good way, especially when different individuals have spoken any or all of the preceding statements and phrases. Sometimes the and is replaced with a but

See also: backhanded compliment, human resources