This is a hugely entertaining diversionary tactic to be employed during
long, boring meetings typically attended by cliché freaks and
The game requires an small amount of preparation. Input the 64 more commonly
abused clichés, trite phrases and ridiculous superlatives into
an 8x8 grid. Label the sheet "BULLSHIT BINGO" in large enough
letters to be read across a board-room table. Buy a packet of Pokemon trading
cards and a tube of Smarties and conceal both treats in the recesses
of your jacket. Place the Bullshit Bingo playsheet and a suitable writing
instrument at the top of your briefcase. Thus equipped stride nonchalantly
into your next meeting.
The Game:
Pick the more affluent cliché abuser and listen to every word he/she
says intently. Circle words or phrases like paradigm shift, proactive, and
added value on your playsheet as soon as they are spoken and follow the normal
bingo rules. Shouting LINE! will probably pass as an irrational outburst
initially. Eventually you will reach a point where you exclaim "BINGO!"
and proudly present the winner with the completed sheet, the Pokemon cards
and the Smarties.
Dwardu accepts no responsibility for loss of employment related to Bullshit