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Maintained By: Zephronias

My collection of my non-serial microfiction. Everything is roughly 500 words or less, not including pipe-links.

Some of these were random, some of these are Brevity Quest entries.

1 March 16, 2012 (log) Zephronias writeup
2 March 7, 2018 (log) Zephronias writeup
3 November 30, 2012 (log) Zephronias writeup
4 Carelessness (fiction) Zephronias writeup
5 night market (fiction) Zephronias writeup
6 Never meddle in the affairs of wizards, especially before they have their coffee (fiction) Zephronias writeup
7 Education is evil. Knowledge is evil. Be a moron. Forget how to spell. (fiction) Zephronias writeup
8 Bottled Fairy (fiction) Zephronias writeup
9 Fields of sunshine bloom as the midnight in her dress falls away, replaced by moonlight. (fiction) Zephronias writeup
10 She was the seed of a strange tomorrow (fiction) Zephronias writeup
11 I can only pray that, when I finally leave, I will have done little enough damage to be totally forgotten (fiction) Zephronias writeup
12 He wakes up everyday, puts an empty gun in his mouth, and pulls the trigger. (fiction) Zephronias writeup
13 meteors may be fallen angels (fiction) Zephronias writeup
14 Waiting for the number 48 bus, holding her breath (fiction) Zephronias writeup
15 The Hollow Sound of Dark Beating Wings (fiction) Zephronias writeup
16 The Angel Jar (fiction) Zephronias writeup
17 Invite someone dangerous to tea. (fiction) Zephronias writeup
18 Lori Jauntal's Little Friend (fiction) Zephronias writeup
19 The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters (fiction) Zephronias writeup
20 The broken magnets in their heads all point to him (fiction) Zephronias writeup
21 Pests in the Garden (fiction) Zephronias writeup
22 Stale, stuffy, and magic carpets (fiction) Zephronias writeup
23 Out of the Woods (fiction) Zephronias writeup
24 Man at the Morgue (fiction) Zephronias writeup
25 Old Souls (fiction) Zephronias writeup
26 A Small Scrap Near the End of Your Story (fiction) Zephronias writeup
27 The man at the fountain (fiction) Zephronias writeup
28 Elisa's Monsters (fiction) Zephronias writeup
29 Prosenoder's Cup 2018 (fiction) Zephronias writeup
30 Imagine there is no elephant (fiction) Zephronias writeup
31 The trees in winter (fiction) Zephronias writeup
32 Adrien, the Demon King of Pirates (dream) Zephronias writeup
33 Ignore the voices from the trees (fiction) Zephronias writeup
34 April 12, 2021 (dream) Zephronias writeup