Teenage murder victim in the avant-garde television series Twin Peaks. On the surface a normal, popular, high school student, Laura actually led a dark and secret double life in a surreal netherworld of drug trafficking and prostitution. The series began with the discovery of her plastic-wrapped corpse and unfortunately failed to end with the discovery of her killer's identity.

"the secret diary of laura palmer" was a very titillating read. she details a sex act on most every date she logged. one thing that sticks in my mind though, is her shame in her own sexual arousal. like how she seemed to feel guilty if she got her panties wet. like she was bad for 'making a mess'. she was one messed up kid.

"The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer" (by Jennifer Lynch, David Lynch's daughter) was very well-done; it read a lot like real writing from child sexual abuse survivors that I've encountered. Since Laura was sexually abused, that's appropriate, but most TV tie-ins aren't that well researched. The character was very well done in the movie Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me as well.

"Laura Palmer" is also the stage name of a porn star from Europe (some sources say France, some the Czech Republic). She's a five-foot-ten blonde who also used the names Petra Sexton and Sage Kirkpatrick before settling on her current alias. All the reviews seem to feel her English isn't very good but her performances are.

http://search.excaliburfilms.com/pornlist/starpgs/lauraplm.htm http://www.toyboxxx.com/pornstars/1483.htm

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