Ladies..if we can see your thong, you
drink free all night long. Every thursday night at Cafe
radio commercial I heard on my drive home....
What exactly is a thong? Imagine a strand of material that encircles your waist and another strand that attaches in the back, traveling down the crack of your
buttocks and connects to a triangular patch which covers the
genitalia and is attached the first strand of material mentioned.
A thong when worn properly is actually quite comfortable. Most who've never worn a thong often
shudder at the horror of having a
never ending wedgie, however those who have adorned these tiny pieces of
butt-floss find that they are actually quite comfortable.
advantages of wearing thongs:
Thongs are also worn by men. In fact, the first thongs were worn by
male models in 1945 and can be seen in the photography of
Bob Mizer.