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Maintained By: civilwaractionfigure

1 Freakout Simulator (thing) civilwaractionfigure writeup
2 Elves eating salad (thing) civilwaractionfigure writeup
3 Many of our lowest priced attractions are right over there (log) civilwaractionfigure writeup
4 New Learnings from the Pre-Industrial Ways of the Elves (essay) civilwaractionfigure writeup
5 The Elven Dimension (place) civilwaractionfigure writeup
6 The Revelation of the Elves (review) civilwaractionfigure writeup
7 elves (definition) Webster 1913 writeup
8 Robin Hood: Prince of Elves (review) civilwaractionfigure writeup
9 Jonathan Ticklebutt has one of the universe's most gorgeous faces (personal) civilwaractionfigure writeup
10 gadzooks (person) civilwaractionfigure writeup
11 Something spooky in your tea (idea) civilwaractionfigure writeup
12 Turgid emotions (log) civilwaractionfigure writeup
13 Stag Party (thing) civilwaractionfigure writeup
14 David the Centaur (person) civilwaractionfigure writeup