A Statement of Condition

   America is Fallen. When no amount of impotent bureaucracy or packed courtroom theatre is capable of producing objective justice anymore, when our highest institutions have been infiltrated only to prove that “Constitutionality" and "Rule of Law" are nothing more than hollow buzzwords fit to suit the whims of our Lords, when Men warp reality in an effort to recreate the world in THEIR own image - there is simply no other recourse than the absolute deposition and dissolution of the current regime and all who've aligned themselves with it. America is Fallen, pending the correction of the Grand Historical Injustice that is either Trump or Musk walking free.

As far as this citizen is concerned - Elon Musk has forfeited every right he once held in the Free World, all the way up to his very life; arrest him and force any hollow “authority” to attempt to slander the international hero who takes him down for his Treason and global threat.

The Heritage Foundation and its alias Project 2025 is to be recognized as a terroristic white supremacist organization and anyone with ties to this group has forfeited the same Freedoms, because I do not recognize the legitimacy of authority of any entity which would align themselves with or breath legitimacy into these forces. When one tribe holds the fundamental core belief that they are unable to coexist with anyone not of their own tribe, allowing such a group any legitimacy past that point is known as the Fallacy of Tolerance: the singular scenario in which peace is decidedly unachievable, and so be it.

Washington is fractured, there is effectively no federal government while everything is shifting around, political factions like Trump's are centralizing power, arming and legitimizing loyalists, undermining the constitution, and propping up a terroristic white supremacist organization's vision for a white nation as the center of their agenda. I denounce every traitor who has aligned themself with the Trump regime - Those of your tribe will never again find sanctuary in the civilized world.

Noder's note: When asked if I may have permission to publish this on another site,
Chris Buche responded: "Yes, feel free to share at will and I don't care about any credit."

Nation Surprised to Learn It Has Been Fallen for Years,
Citizens Demand Refund on Patriotism

USA — In a shocking turn of events, millions of Americans woke up on March 1, 2025, to the startling realization that their country has actually been in a state of collapse for quite some time. Citizens across the nation expressed outrage upon discovering that concepts like "justice," "rule of law," and "constitutionality" were nothing more than elaborate marketing slogans dreamed up by the Department of Hollow Buzzwords.

"I can't believe I've been pledging allegiance to a fallen nation all this time," said disillusioned citizen Karen Thompson, angrily removing her "Make America Great Again" hat. "I want my freedom back, and I want it with interest."

Meanwhile, the newly formed Department of Deposition and Dissolution announced plans to systematically dismantle every government institution, starting with the DMV and working their way up to Congress. "We figure if we're going to have a dysfunctional government, we might as well make it official," explained Secretary of Chaos John Smith, "I mean, Vance gives me the ick even more than Trump."

In related news, Elon Musk was last seen fleeing the country in a hastily modified SpaceX rocket after a mob of enraged Twitter users discovered his secret plan to replace all human workers with an army of AI-powered robot influencers. Sources close to the billionaire reported his last words before takeoff were, "I'm going to start my own America, with blackjack and Dogecoin!" Additional comments indicate he may not realize that his world citizenship has been revoked.

The Heritage Foundation, caught off guard by the sudden national awakening, hurriedly rebranded itself as "Totally Not a Terroristic White Supremacist Organization, We Pinky Swear." Their new slogan, "Coexistence is for Suckers," has so far failed to win over skeptics. As Guillermo Roldan, an innocent bystander, stated: "We should revisit NAFTA and expand on it with open borders and unrestricted immigration between Canada, the US, and Mexico. Maybe the Canadians and Mexicans can save us from ourselves."

As Washington, D.C. descended into confused chaos in the aftermath and discord of failing bureaucracy, with politicians frantically searching for any remaining shreds of legitimacy, President Pro Tempore of the Senate Chuck Grassley was spotted attempting to declare himself Emperor of Iowa. "I've been here the longest, so I get dibs on a state," Grassley reportedly shouted while brandishing a corn cob scepter.

In a final twist, it was revealed that the entire situation was orchestrated by a shadowy cabal of Canadian geese, long resentful of America's superior breadcrumbs. As of press time, honking overlords had already established control over several Midwest states, with plans to convert all golf courses into nesting grounds.

One final question remains: America has fallen, but can it get back up?

When asked why they hadn't picked up on this story, a well-known news agency responded with:

Our corporation does not produce or publish content expressing personal views, promoting violence, or making unsubstantiated claims about individuals or organizations. We focus on reporting factual news events objectively. For accurate and balanced coverage of current U.S. political developments, please refer to our latest verified reporting and editorial style guidelines.

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