Off in the distance a group appears, lightly illuminated. As they draw nearer, one separates from the small crowd and approaches more quickly than the rest. Stopping a few paces away, they ask a most pertinent question:

"Oh, heroic and erudite questing noder, wilt thou help?"

Continued at Side Quest 2024

   Well, we find ourselves at the beginning of another one of them there E2 Quests. Another Quest? But why? The obvious answer(s)? Why not, and because I can of course. The not-so-obvious answer is that one of the things that motivates me around here these days is doing my best, so far as I am able, to make sure that at the end of each month there are more new writeups than the corresponding month from last year, as displayed on the site trajectory. One of the ways I've found to accomplish this is to run a quest. New material from various authors serves the endeavor more than a whole bunch of nonsense from just one guy, or so I firmly believe. (Side note: I'm also a procrastinator from way back and find I do better with a deadline, eventually lacking motivation otherwise. I should probably see a therapist as there are lots of things intertwined in this that if unraveled and understood would improve my overall health, mental and physical, and well-being.) Oh, and fourteen others also think this be a good idea, or so I've chosen to interpret the results. :-)

Therefore, I invite you, fellow Everythingian, to node something during the quest, even if it's not a quest entry. And, if not noding, read and vote on both new and previous writeups. We, by our actions as well as our inactions, are the only ones accountable. Besides, all the AIs out there need new content to work with, too! They might as well get some of it from, this is a great opportunity to plant your own seeds that will grow up to become part of the garden of future global content!!!

Thank you in advance for your time and attention, and action if so led. Be well.

p.s. -- It's also one week until my birthday: June 27, 2024.

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