user since
Sat Jul 25 1998 at 01:48:11 (25.9 years ago )
last seen
never (?)
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0 (Initiate) / 6
most recent writeup
strange places (idea)
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I hack on linux (and listen to Trent Reznor) excepting when the moon is full. On full moon night I can't hack because my fingers shrink into claws, my hands become paws, my jaws and nose turn into a muzzle, I get hair all over my body and I lose. my color vision. I can't type and I can't see the color graphics, I can push the mouse around with my nose but clicking on the correct button with a paw is hell. Besides that I can't sit in the chair in front of the monitor without leaning on m.y front paws so I usually just end up going out side to howl and hunt for rabbits, cats or whatever else happens to show up. When the sun rises I tend to wake up in strange places looking more or less human (excepting for being butt naked.) asking about the whereabouts of Warren Zevon.

Remember kids, the howl that can be howled is not the eternal howl.