So annoying, yet so adorable...

Cats tend to get into more trouble than other animals do. Their inherently curious nature causes them to try things "just to see what would happen". For instance, sticking their adorable head into your beer mug, smelling for about 20 seconds, then taking a sip... Of course, the bubbles suddenly spray the kitty in the face and he freaks out, sending the beer mug tumbling to the floor....

Or how about when the kitty suddenly decides that your laptop's power cable, which is dangling over the side of the desk, must immediately be destroyed? Of course, the cat does not realize that a rather lightweight laptop is attached to the other end of the cable. Oops.

Of course, the problem with feline mischief is that cats are so adorable, administering punishment is impossible for most individuals. All it takes is that innocent look... fuzzy ears perked, wide eyes watching...

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