
Comic book character, created by Greg Hyland. Comic strips were published online on Hyland's website and were also collected into comic books occasionally.

Lethargic Lad's real name is Larry Ladhands. He's not a complicated guy, artwise -- he's a bit stick-figuresque, with wild, staring eyes, no nose, and a few hairs sticking up in the air. His costume is a boring white sweatshirt with a black "L" on it, along with boring white shorts, and boring white -- and way too long -- cape. He does not have a superhero physique.

Lethargic Lad received his amazing powers by drinking orange juice, watching "Blue Velvet", and listening to Patsy Cline records. As the World's Greatest Superhero, he has access to a nigh-unlimited supply of superhero gadgets, ranging from Lad-A-Rangs to giant robots, but his greatest superpower is his Extreme Lethargy -- which causes him to do nothing much but stand around and say "umm..."

Luckily, Lethargic Man has a whole squad of allies, including Little Green Boy, Lad of Steel, Lad of Tomorrow, and Evil Cyborg Lethargic Lad -- all of those are based on the "replacement Supermen" who showed up during the "Death of Superman" storyline in the early-1990s. The Lad of Steel is big and metallic; the Lad of Tomorrow is dead-serious; Little Green Boy is young and has a short attention span; and Evil Cyborg Lethargic Lad is an evil cyborg supervillain who only occasionally tries to kill Lethargic Lad.

There are numerous other characters, both villains and heroes. Lethargic Lass is a cardboard cutout of a female version of Lethargic Lad. Evil Smiley Face Guy is a criminal genius who wears a smiley-face mask. Walrus-Boy is what Peter Parker would've been if he'd been bitten by a radioactive walrus. Guy-With-A-Gun is the Punisher without pants. Lay-Z-Boy can turn into a recliner. Starro'David is a giant space starfish. Rubber Shark wears a rubber shark costume. Mr. Cheese has guns that shoot cheese, and he shouts the names of random cheeses. Normal people, including folks like Rhoda and Chad, are often seen -- usually, they're also dressed up in costumes, pretending they can fight crime.

Luckily for everyone, very few people commit any real crimes in Infantino City...

Research from a bunch of LL comics...