user since
Sun Jul 4 1999 at 19:10:37 (25.2 years ago )
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never (?)
number of write-ups
10 - View alexboko's writeups (feed)
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0 (Initiate) / 94
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Interests: Gerontology, computers, disaster preparedness.
    Current projects:
  • Getting my GerOL site ready (What's a GerOL? More info to come.) It's a Slash-based site about gerontology. The url is:
  • Fixing my copy of Slash-pre3 so my GerOL site can have users The slash-help list are real hackers. Thanks to them, pre3-jt2 now does a reasonable job of working.
  • Getting a job in California
  • Loading up o.n neat survival toys
  • Being more active on the Transhumanist/Extropian scene
  • Staying the hell away from girlfriends from now on
  • Learning more about Perl/Solaris/Linux/Apache/blah blah blah