user since
Sat May 12 2001 at 16:29:51 (23.4 years ago )
last seen
Fri Sep 21 2012 at 13:07:02 (12 years ago )
number of write-ups
38 - View arkaem's writeups (feed)
level / experience
5 (Crafter) / 1686
mission drive within everything
To make wonderful nodes that will bring joy and information to all. Ahuh...
Evading work.
University of Newcastle
I'll try anything once except incest and folk dancing.
most recent writeup
Bar O'Clock
Send private message to arkaem

Well, this is just no good.

I haven't contributed anything since November... I've been looking in, trying to gain inspiration, but nothing has struck me yet. I'm still around though, declining XP for voting since I'm not actually writing anymore.

" Hi, this is arkaem's homenode. I'm on vacation ....arkaem has sent me packing because she doesn't feel like looking after me right now, so you won't find any info here. To learn about arkaem during my short holiday please leave a message after the beep......beep."