Today was a particularly screwed up day.

Well, yesterday, really. Friday was my last day at work.. That was strange to begin with.. *shrugs* Oh well.

Then, I drove up 93 into NH. Somehow I always manage to forget that when 93 goes from 4 lanes (in MA) to 2 lanes (in NH), there is a traffic nightmare waiting to happen. So, this time, that nightmare resulted in my car overheating. I'm driving along.. or more specifically, driving and stopping along.. when I notice a funny smell.. and the "Check Engine" light is on. Then, I notice the temperature needle pinned in the red at the top. Great. And smoke billowing out from under my hood. Thrilling.

I manage to wrestle my car over to the side of the road and decided to take a peek under the hood. Sure enough, there my coolant reserve was, merrily boiling away like nuclear green tea. Lovely. I waited until it cooled off a bit, then eased my car down the breakdown lane to the rest stop 1/2 a mile down the road. Went inside and acquired some lukewarm water and added that to my coolant, then drove the rest of the trafficky way with my heat on in a vain attempt to keep the engine cool.

Anyways, so I made it to my destination in one piece, with my car not quite ablaze yet, and picked up my friend Denise. We went out for dinner and played SkeeBalltm at the FunSpot. (the place where the pac-man world record was broken, among other things)

On my way home, I'm coming down 93-S and I see two state police cars with their lights on in the right-hand shoulder. I slow down a little bit, but I didn't see any flares or anything I should look out for. Suddenly...

There it was.

An unidentifyable lump of aminal flesh sat in the middle of the lane, with blood smeared all over the road. I didn't have any idea that one creture could HAVE that much blood in it. I couldn't go around it. I couldn't stop. I had to drive **through** it.

I gritted my teeth, held onto my wheel tightly, and... *thump-thump*... it was over. Except for the SMELL. In my panick, I had forgotten to turn my ventilation to "recirculate". I sat in shock for 10 minutes at 65mph.

So, I got to the Dunkin Donuts in Portsmouth. I got out of my car and was simply amazed by the amount of blood all over EVERYTHING. Spattered up the sides, coating the wheels, all over the mudflaps. I had "Cream of Sum-Yung Deer" all over my car. YUCK!!!!