Oh the joys of a honeymoon, trying to figure out everything for the first time, who sleeps on what side of the bed, from what end do you squeeze the toothpaste, and everything else that goes along with the concept of being newly married.

Unlike a lot of people, this is the first time we are living together, the honeymoon was the first time for sex for both of us. We proudly walked down the aisle together as man and wife and also as virgins. We spent our wedding night trying to figure everything out and it was very enjoyable. I would highly recommend it. There was some slight nervousness and embarassment, but it was well worth the wait.

The honeymoon was great, we spent 5 days in Traverse City, MI and surrounding area, doing as little or as much as we wanted to do. We visited Old Mission Point, Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes and Northern Michigan Wine Country. For those in Michigan, the fall is a great time to visit up north, the colors were just starting to change.