Written in 11 AM Artificial Intelligence. As much of the original formatting as could be has been preserved -- imagine this right-aligned on my page of notes for the class. Didn't take many actual notes, just some causal rule examples and the fact that our project is due Friday...

<< <- ->

why do
i bother?
has anyone
been reading
the book?
tiny little
letters small
words bad
spelling first
real day of
spring weather
seventy five
degrees hazy
bright sun
blue sky green
grass soft
brown earth
{push} my project partner
isnt even here
not that that
should suprise me
heck, when am i
ever here? its
been at least
{push} a week. it would
be nice if e2 would
give you a list of
the hard links with-
out writeups in
{pop} a given wu. nope
late arivals are not
my project partner.
normally i prefer
working alone on projects
but theresa is cute and
it was such serendipity
that we even became
associated -- they were handing
out these books in class and
we were supposed to use them
in groups (there were fever
books than people so we had
to share) and we both mentioned
that we didnt know anyone in
{push} the class -- christ which reminds
me that once again I missed
advance registration what frust-
ration the only real problem is frikkin
photo-1 its always every-section-full.
what a nightmare. wow i used to
care about this class ... shit i still
havent turned in that wu for cse 480
dammit i forgot it that first time, then
got it all finished except for one
question, so i waited to have time
to run the tests, and forgot about it
again and again at least i think i
did ok on the exam i never went back
to get my psych 111 exam big surprise guess
tomorrow evening i'll actually go to class and
get it. but everything in ai seems so
(page is turnd 180 degrees, left aligned to the first block)
alike and these people
next to me are chattering
constantly in a foriegn
language ever get the
feeling that such people think
other people cant hear them
if they speak another
{pop} language? so we took a
book together just cause
we were both such loosers
we'd never gotten to know
{push} anyone in the class argh
our teacher is so scatter-
brained -- 2nd year teaching
her rank last year was almost
the worst someone can get they pass out at the end of
{pop} the semester. conveniently
enough we both put out names/email
addresses in the cover of the
book and she didnt need it (she
was stressing about her senior
design.) she stresses alot like
any good cse student but all i
know about her i learned from
her website which was cool but im
such a stalker ugh desparate but
only occasionally unhappy about being
alone occasional time such that id end
up in a group project just to meet someone
since i rarely get out on my own
though i did go out with some friends to
see memento a great movie go see it now
i dont care if you read the rest of this
or if you're naked who cares i drove of
course right at the beginning of the drive
twice i almost turned onto a one-way
the wrong way street but it was all
fine after that so i go out sometimes but
never to meet new people at least this useless
class is almost over and my hand hurts from
all this john-doe handwriting and its so nice
outside i want to go there cept all that
smelly bus car truck exhaust
and peat moss fertilizer shit
rotting smell college green is
still nice but its humid wow
it feels like its summer
already. I never write
like this what made me
start writing like this
who knows loneliness
sucks. having a messy
dorm room sucks. friends
are cool worrying about
all the crap i have to
do for class that i
ignored sucks. blah
blah blah bitch moan
whine cry boo hoo
get over it no one
cares of course thats
part of the problem
wow, so i thought
there was something
(class ends.)

I cleaned my dorm room. Teresa actually asked how my interviews at Microsoft went. Arranged to meet that evening to work on project. That's what motivated the cleaning of my dorm room. But meeting was postponed.

Let's see, I noded Presidential Debate Humor, how to sound like a child, primitive vocabulary, and Lucian Freud this evening.