Not too long ago I had one of those incredibly detailed dreams. The kind of dream when you wake up you are not quite sure if it was reality or not. My family has a yearly gathering where we all get together and catch up on life. My dream took place at such a gathering. Unfortunately during the height of our little party we were suddenly attacked by land sharks. They should really be called ground sharks since they travel through the soil, but you still have that trademark fin that sticks out of the dirt so you know when one is coming. Everyone was running and trying to find a good place to escape from the deadly creatures, but uncle Bob got eaten as well as a few other relatives and family pets. Fortunately the sharks couldn't get close to me since I was under a large Oak tree and the roots were just too dense. It was really a rather frightening dream, but the humor came when I told the story to a friend of mine (a doctoral student no less). After I was finished speaking she took a moment then looked at me and said "Are there really land sharks?". "No" I replied. "It was just my dream."