The Count of Monte Cristo is a brilliant novel written by Alexandre Dumas (pere). The novel follows the life of Edmond Dante, a man wrongfully accused by a rival lover of his fiance Isabelle and is sent to an island prison of Chateau d'If for twenty years. In the island prison he meets an old man (a Cardinal) who tells him a secret about a cavern full of riches on a small island of rock. They become great friends and even dig a tunnel between their two cells. When the older man dies, Edmond Dante climbs through the tunnel and switches places with the dead man, he climbs into the bodybag himself and is thrown into the water surrounding the island. Luckily he had a sharp object with him to cut himself out of the bag. He then gets picked up by a pirate ship and makes himself useful. Later he gets to the aforementioned pile of rocks and finds riches beyond your imagination. He re-enters society then under the disguise of the Count of Monte Cristo and rewards those that were good to him in the past and takes revenge on those that betrayed him.