Today's news was all full of stories from our friends in Great Britain, who caught 21 suspects who had hoped to combine innocuous chemicals aboard a plane, and blow it up in mid air. Preferably over some urban area.

This was a good day. We caught them, just like the two guys who got picked up in Ohio with airline security information, passenger lists and enough cell phones to stock a Beverly Hills HIgh School.

So, having busted a bunch of terrorists in Britain what did we do? Did we have a congratulatory drink? Nope. The Department of Homeland Security raised the level of homeland security raised the terror threat level to orange overall and to red for all flights to and from Britain. They maxed out. The Brits are now on high alert too.

Forgive me for asking this but why is the terrorist threat so much higher now that these guys are wearing stripes? Were we so much safer yesterday when these guys are running free? Seems to me you raise the terror threat before people get caught, not afterwards.

Give me a break. We had a good day. We reduced the terrorist threat, not raised it.

I know there are some out there who fear that the terrorists will seek 'revenge' for their own incompetence. Let me offer an alternative explanation. These guys talk a lot about taking revenge, and if there were a bomb for every time some al Quaeda good stood up and threatened revenge we'd all be out in the streets sweeping rubble.

These guys don't take revenge for Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, abu Ghraib, and all the other 'insults' they have suffered. They would like to take revenge for our existence. And they take it as often as they can. Before September 11 al Queada averaged about two years between major operations. Only one of those ops was in the U.S., a failed attempt to blow up the World Trade Center and most of the perpetrators were caught and jailed. The rest took place in Africa, and except for an attack on a Navy ship, they killed a lot more Africans and Muslims than Americans.

Setbacks don't piss them off and make them more likely to attack. That sort of thing assumes they have a whole pool of terrorists sitting around like Hamlet struggling to decide whether or not to take up the suicide belts of outrageous stupidity. These guys are committed and they run an operation as often as they can. Which really isn't that often in Western Europe or America. When we catch a bunch of them, the logical thing to do is to cut the threat level rather than raise it.

But people often react the other way, thinking this means 'Oh my God, they're after us."

Of course they are. And they will be for a long time. The sensible thing to do is deal with it. But short-term fear is very useful for the political right, who would like Americans to be too scared to think, because if they think they might figure out what utter morons we have running the show. If we raise the terrorist threat then they get to waive the flag, yell 'cut and run' and in general do everything they can to distract people from reality. Because as Stephen Colbert observed, "Reality has a well known liberal bias."

I think we should have a beer tonight in celebration. Or a pint of bitter, as a good Brit might do. We should drink to celebrate this like we would a touchdown or a two-run homer for the home team. It was a good day, enjoy it. But it didn't win the game.