What awful contradiction is it that humans love for years, but only have a couple hours a day to hold hands.

What sick world is it where we grieve and remember loved ones for years, but can’t cry in the middle of the day, as it’s unprofessional.

What dull life is this where I both need to process my feelings of loss and also clock in for my 9–5.

What boring environment we’ve created where I have to fake interest in a slide deck, instead of paying attention to my feelings and stream of consciousness.

This is the encroaching death we’re living through, the one that always asks to push back our most humane side “just for a couple hours” until we’re back home, “just for a couple days” until the weekend arrives, “just for a couple weeks” until the big day arrives, “just for a couple years” until Death tells us it’s finally time.

Do not buy into this lie.

andy@Olivia:~/Documents/e2$ pandoc --lua-filter wordcount/wordcount.lua "The dehumanizing environment we call corporate.md"
161 words in body
821 characters in body
982 characters in body (including spaces)