I'm almost positive that I'm going to get kicked out of this lab, and before I can manage to log out I will leave, and some Economics student will wander along, find me still logged on, logged in, whatever it is I am when my name is in the top right-hand corner, and they will say, "What mädness is this? and why is it all one big clumpy paragraph? where are the cool fonts? where is the concreteness of this non-poetry?"

I love it when I can pretend to be cooler than I really am.

Today was like being in a movie. It was not between classes, it was when everyone had a class, even me, but I wasn't there. I was walking across the....courtyard? no, not a courtyard, but a big wide open concrete space between the two libraries. The bell tower, in front of my favourite library, was chiming/ringing/singing a happy little song, and the area was weirdly devoid of people. I'm not sure if devoid is a word. Too Bad.

And so the wind was blowing my hair slightly, and I walked purpose-fully across the non-courtyard, the bells singing an unhappy song in the background. There was no sun, but it was bright; eye-squintingly bright. And it felt like a movie, it felt like somewhere was a camera with a director behind it and somewhere someone would yell "Cut! Get that girl out of the shot!"

But no one yelled cut, and so I felt like an unknown movie star, walking across with the wind in my face, blowing back the edges of my very dirty jacket, the one I'd wash if I wasn't so busy wearing it, showing off my fat and my borrowed tshirt and my stolen pants, the ones that used to be much to large but then I fattened into them. And it was a good day.