Maily is an app for the iPhone and iPad which allows children to send and receive email

Maily's layout is bright and colorful. The art program is reminiscent of Mario Paint. Maily can be a powerful impetus in encouraging children to take an active stance in becoming literate at an early age.

Maily also lets parents supervise their child's activities and monitor all incoming mail. Parents may also send requests to their friends and family, asking them to create Maily accounts so that they may correspond. Having an touch screen device is not necessary for the creation of a recipient-account. 

The program lets kids store contacts, create messages, make and add art, all while becoming more comfortable using touch screen technology in a safe, controlled environment.

Currently only one Maily account may be linked to a single device.

Maily was designed by Belgian software developers Tom Galle and Raphael Halberthal and launched in the summer of 2012. The app is free.