There are four
categories of
reference questions that are encountered when manning the
Reference Desk.
I. Direction
These questions generally encompass the
physical world:
"Where is the
New York Times World Almanac?"
"Where is the
copy machine?"
"Where is the
Dictionary of Art?"
Being as simple as they are, they surprisingly take up about 30 - 50% of the Reference Librarians' time.
II. Ready Reference
These questions are single, usually uncomplicated, lines of
query that generally have a simple, uncomplicated answer (
"What is the
capital of Rhode Island?"
"What is the
average life span of a
Yellow Nape parrot?"
"What is the
average flight speed of an unladen swallow (African)?"
The Ready Reference section contains
registries of
journals, dictionaries, etc.
III. Specific Search
Theses are questions that lead the user to a variety of sources that will give them a broad range of information on a topic.
"What do you have on
lizard breeding?"
"Where can I find the rates of
homicide, and contributing factors, for these twenty cities?"
"What information do you have on the
stages of moral development?"
IV. Research
This kind of question "usually comes from and adult specialist seeking detailed information to assist them in a specific work". This is the kind of question that is undefined until resoureces can be found and evaluated, then the question is honed and a focus developed aroudn which the researcher will continue their study.
Introduction to Reference Work. Volume 1, Sixth edition by William A, Katz.