(Hinduism, Sanskrit: veda "knowledge" + anta "end")

The end of all knowledge, or the scriptures containing knowledge of all branches of science, especially the science of self-realisation; the Aranyakas and the Upanishads.

Also a name given to a particular system of philosophy. The ten principal schools are as follows.

  1. Advaita Vedanta

    Founder: Sankara (788-820 C.E.)
    Main work: Sarirakabhasya

  2. Visistadvaita Vedanta

    Founder: Ramanuja (1017-1137)
    Main work: Sribhasya

  3. Dvaita Vedanta

    Founder: Madhva (1238-1317)
    Main work: Anivakhyayana

  4. Bhedabheda

    Founder: Bhaskara (9th century)
    Main work: Brahmasutrabhasya

  5. Dvaitadvaita (I)

    Founder: Nimbarka (11th century)
    Main work: Vedantaparijatasaurabha

  6. Suddhadvaita

    Founder: Vallabha (1473-1531)
    Main work: Anubhasya

  7. Acintya Bhedabheda

    Founder: Baladeva (18th century)
    Main work: Govindabhasya

  8. Dvaitadvaita (II)

    Founder: Sripati (13th century)
    Main work: Srikarabhasya

  9. Sivadvaita

    Founder: Srikantha (13th century)
    Main work: Srikanthabhasya

  10. Samanyavada

    Founder: Vijñanabhiksu (16th century)
    Main work: Vijñanamrta

table after Klostermaier's A Short Introduction to Hinduism, p. 95

In each case the main work is a commentary on the Brahmasutra.