Betsy Byars was born on August 7, 1928, the same year as bubble gum and Mickey Mouse. When she was young she loved to read but thought being a writer would be boring. "If I was going to be a writer at all, I was going to be a foreign correspondent like Claudette Colbert in Arise My Love. I would wear smashing hats, wisecrack with the guys, and have a byline known round the world. My father wanted me to be a mathematician." When her husband (formerly her professor, scandalous) was in grad school she began writing magazine articles, and got hooked.

Betsy and husband live in a badASS house on an air strip in South Carolina. They are both pilots, and the bottom floor of their house is a hangar so they can taxi out and take off virtually from their front yard. The top floor of the house is Betsy's writing studio.

Byars has four kids, one of whom she named "Guy." features a delightful, kind of, slide show of her life, including her knees and a dragon made from a sock. Her middle name is Cromer. Her home address is Betsy Byars, 126 Riverpoint Drive, Clemson, SC 29631.


After the Goat Man

The Animal, the Vegetable, and John D. Jones

Ant Plays Bear

Beans on the Roof

Bingo Brown and the Language of Love

Bingo Brown, Gypsy Lover

Bingo Brown's Guide to Romance

A Blossom Promise

The Blossoms and the Green Phantom

The Blossoms Meet the Vulture Lady

The Burning Questions of Bingo Brown

The Cartoonist

The Computer Nut

Cracker Jackson

The Cybil War

The Dark Stairs

Dead Letter

Death's Door

Disappearing Acts

The Glory Girl

The Golly Sisters Go West

The Golly Sisters Ride Again

Goodbye, Chicken Little

Growing Up Stories

Hooray For the Golly Sisters!

The House of Wings


Me Tarzan

The Midnight Fox

The Moon and I

My Brother Ant

My Dog, My Hero

The Night Swimmers

The Not-Just-Anybody Family

The Pinballs

The Seven Treasure Hunts

The Summer of the Swans (1971 Newbery Award)

Tarot Says Beware


Trouble River

The TV Kid

The Two-Thousand-Pound Goldfish

Wanted... Mud Blossom

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