It is Susan's birthday today. Susan is a psych nurse in a hospital ward which helps people from rural areas. She is a mother of three boys who have all completed school. Two are starting university and one is working. Her husband Michael is an aeroplane mechanic.

Susan is my sister, as is Linda. Both my sisters are golden and blue like a Summer day. My brother, Peter, is dark and wry. I am short grey and round, like a mushroom. We are all very different. Lindy and Andy are at home again after being evacuated during the Victorian bushfires. Susan is in Adelaide, near me. Peter and April are in Melbourne city.

We grew up on a farm with cattle, donkeys, chooks, ducks, dogs, cats and occasional sheep. Rolling down hills and making mysteries and battles between the olive trees and creek beds. Making up languages and hiding mischief.

Susan once made a 'rubber' chocolate cake which was very bouncy. She survived an epic bike prang and was stoic about blood noses. She went to Europe with Dad when we were younger to learn about music. She still plays violin and an interest in music is shared by the rest of her family.

Susan is a peace maker. Funny and gentle, but also clear in her thinking and goals; steady.
We have had great times making patchwork quilts with mum. We sent a butterfly quilt to Linda, and made a tangram quilt for the 2008 Linux Conference in Melbourne. Sue likes cottagey rose patterns and has a secret garden.

This year especially I am thankful that Susan is my sister, that I have the family I do.
Sometimes the mesh of family is more explicit than others, 2008 was one of those times for me.

Sassed I wish you every good fortune in 2009.