Instructions for making the perfect hot chocolate:

  • The best hot chocolate powder you can find (not Nestlé - Cadbury and Galaxy are good)
  • A shot of Baileys per mug of Hot Chocolate
  • Whipped cream
  • A bar of good dark chocolate
  • Full cream milk (not semi skimmed)

Get enough milk to make your hot chocolate and put it into the microwave until its hot. While this is being heated, pour a shot of Baileys and three teaspoons of chocolate powder into each mug and mix together to form a paste. Lick the spoon (this is the best bit, Baileys and chocolate, mmmm). Once the milk it hot, pour this into the mug (see how easily it mixes, aren't you glad you made that paste - no chocolate powder glued to the bottom of the mug). Now drop a big dollop of whipped cream on top and grate some dark chocolate on top. Serve with good music and a log fire.