1925-1961, a journalist, poet, diplomat, and, by training, a psychiatrist. Originally from Martinique, of mixed Caribbean melting-pot ancestry. After fighting in the French Resistance in World War II, he stayed in France to study psychiatry.

Rather than embrace négritude as a way out of the European mindset, psychiatry became his means toward understanding the cultural ravages and dysfunctions wrought by slavery, racism, and colonialism, on its perpetrators, victims, and "innocent bystanders".

Writings include Peau noir, masques blancs (Black Skin, White Masks, 1952), (sorta) about the cultural conformity exacted by a dominant culture, and Les damnés de la terre (The Wretched of the Earth, 1961), rooted in his time in Algeria (he had originally gone there to work as a psychiatrist) and Tunisia as a supporter of and participant in the Algerian revolution; Fanon would advocate a larger revolution by those untainted by assimilation (i.e., the wretched of the earth - the global, colonized underclass - and those intellectuals who chose to join them) to overthrow the ongoing hegemony of the colonizer.

Your mileage may vary. I'm just a punk.