Robby Krieger was the guitarist for The Doors. When playing he never used a pick he used arpeggio alternating picking with his first two fingers. For playing rhythm he often played the bass lines with his thumb using other fingers for lead work. He specialized in Flamenco style and seldom employed effects while playing with The Doors, he preferred a clean pure sound. Krieger originally used a 1964 Gibson Melody Maker. When that got stolen he switched to an SG Special. He most often played an SG Special with humbucking pickups and Ernie Ball Super-Slinky strings. Robby was born January 8, 1946 in Los Angeles. One of his friends had a guitar and whenever he visited Krieger found himself picking it up and trying to play it. He was sent to a private school near San Francisco where you were locked in your room for 3 hours every night so you had to study. He got a guitar to fill that time, and looked at it as a hobby never really seriously thinking about being a guitarist. He enrolled at The University Of California, where he said his major was "keeping out of the army". It was there he got into playing the guitar for money.