If this is the kind of thing that outrages PJ, methinks someone needs a hobby.

First, what are the cops supposed to do with a dead deer who's run amok in a college dormitory? Give him a good Christian burial and a posthumous medal of valor? I mean these critters are still edible and quite delicious, aren't they? Is there any possible reason why a dead deer should not be eaten, if at all possible? It's not like it's a little puppy or a kitty, right? It is still legal to eat venison in every nation in the world, oy?

Second, let's say you're a reporter working at a newspaper, and you hear that a wild (and probably criminally insane) deer has crashed through a window in a college dormitory, run amok, smashed up a bunch of furniture, gone on a panty raid, then crashed into another window, chopped off its own legs, and splattered its own blood and gore over half the lobby in, more than likely, a bizarre suicide pact with some young doe. What is your reaction going to be? Run down, take some photos, and run a story about this extremely public and newsworthy event? Or run out and look for pictures of cute bunnies, capitalistic toddlers running lemonade stands, and politicians signing meaningless proclamations? Heaven forfend that we should have to hear about bad news...