What DO you do?!

What do you do when the girl you loved has buggered off with a Mel C wannabe? You give 18 months of your life and then what? She fucks off to Parochial house down the road and you have to face the pair of them walking around the town you live in (and hate) being smug.

It makes me feel sick. I'm not unhappy because I love her and I miss her, oh no! These are the reasons I'm really pissed off with her today;

She slept with that no brain behind my back

The no brain was supposed to be my friend too

No brain tries to look like Mel C (Spice Girl with crap tattoos and a screechy voice) for some reason - Cos she's a sad twat maybe?

No brain has a screechy voice I can barely stand to listen to

I didn't want us to move in together just then and yet she made me feel guilty and I borrowed money and we moved in together

I'm mourning the money I have to pay back to the bank, every month, for the next 4 and a half years

I'm back living with my parents in my old room and she has a house with fuckface the no brainer

But what irks me most of all is, I don't want her back, deep down, when I think about it seriously. I'm just pissed off because I'm lonely which makes me feel like a loser.

I'm NOT the loser though. I was unhappy with her and now I'm out of it and planning a life for myself. Half of me is wrapped up in a sense of freedom and wondering what to do next.

I'm 25, I have a world ahead of me - these feelings are just temporary, I know that for a fact.

Note added 1st June 2001: My friend referred to this plonker as 'Widget Face' the other day. I have no idea what that means, but as an insult, I kinda like it. Incidentally, I feel much better now.

update 25th April 2013 what goes around and all that. Said woman moved on, got married, had a child. Husband left. He had an affair. Sometimes people rip your insides out. Sometimes because you shay on someone in your past. *sits back and enjoys the Karma*