Eh, stylee, if the rents are so cheap, how come you gotta live over in Humboldt Park? <grin>

The point being, in 1987 Wicker park was a festering shit-hole of prostitution, gang crime and abandoned buildings...kinda like Humboldt Park is now. And the rent was next to nothing, which is why artists first came to live there.

Please forgive people if they'd like to be able to stay in an affordable apartment without having to move to Waukegan. Show tolerance for their'd grumble too if you had been there when, and seen all the cool outsider people and outsider places that have been priced out of the way to make room for expensive "outsider restaurants", etc. Plus you can't have a node about Wicker Park without these links at a minimum:

Around the Coyote, flatiron building, Milwaukee Avenue, Puerto Rican.