Donald Trump's lie filled address of a Joint Session of
Congress, I think the time has come to realize
We're the Bad Guys Now.
That's difficult for Americans: we call ourselves not a good, but a great country in the very same spirit as Tony the Tiger. We stand for freedom, but what is freedom anyway? Certainly we don't stand for the freedom of a woman to control her own body, or the freedom of an intersexed person to live and present as who they are, not when there are convenient binary boxes (closets) to stuff themselves back into. We like to think we're a generoous, caring nation, but really that ended with the Marshall Plan, and as a studen of political history we did that more to win the Cold War than because we really thought the world needed a hand up.
True, we did help defeat Hitler and that were the Arsenal of Democracy which helped keep England and Russia in the war before the US got into the fight. Hitler really was awful, six million dead Jews and the emaciated forms of the survivors of the Holocaust offered powerful testimony as to the final goals of bigotry in the world. But that was eighty years ago, and almost everyone who actually remembers it is dead, or will be within a decade. What Hitler did is now irrelevant to a lot of Americans. We just swore in our first openly White Supremacist Secretary of Defense, since James Buchannan dithered his way into the Civil War. And we're not alone in that; the AFD in Germany did very well in the last election, all because a right-wing dictator in Syria started a civil war that led to a mass migration out of that part of the world because people wanted to simply live. The far right did very well in France and whole lot of other countries that ought to know better, including Israel.
We used to not believe in military conquest, and the creation of colonies. Now Donald Trump wants Greenland, Canada and the Canal Zone, and the only way he's going to get any of that is by military force. Weren't Canada and Denmark friends of the U.S.? Or is friendship and working together simply passe in the new millenium. We used to back Ukraine, a small country invaded twice by Russia because Vladimir Putin wants to recreate the Soviet Union in all its fascist glory. We used to support them, now we bully them, and insult their President because he takes his country's freedom more seriously that Donald Trump's ego. We now support big guys picking on little guys. When Bart Simpson gets pounded on the playground, that's simply America, who we are and who we want to be.
These days America is all in on ethnic cleansing. They only way Donald Trump's resort where he can enjoy cocktails with Netanyahu comes true is if all the Palestinians are expelled from the Gaza Strip, to where no one will say. Anywhere so long as it's not there. Perhaps Jordan would like to volunteer or get beaten up? And while their at why not ignore the Israeli right wings attempts to clear out the West Bank as well, to bring back Eretz Israel. And make no mistake, what Israel is doing in the West Bank is ethnic cleansing, and using it's army to back up far-right settlers when the burn the homes of or otherwise terrorize Palestinians for the crime of living there. You'd think the victims of the Holocaust would have learned something from their own experience (along with the Biblical diaspora of the Jewish people) but I'd like to remind them you don't get a Get Out of Genocide Free card just because Hitler once tried to do it to you.
Now there are advantages to being a villian. Cool uniforms for one thing, but really the Nazis set the fashion standard there, so much so that the SS leather coat now stands for more than torture and genocide, it stands for a harsh whipping, you naughty boy, and how daew your pants swell without permission! But there's nothing at all cool about MAGA hats and Trump sneakers, even with all the gold.
America, we're Evil now! We should accept that we like bullying others, that we like poverty, suffering and prejudice as long is it isn't happening to us personally. We love Jesus, provided you forget about The Sermon on the Mount and all that other woke stuff from his actual ministry. Our Jesus packs an M-16, loves Trump and hates the very same people we do! Trying to lift people out of poverty is nowhere near as much fun as punching downward and watching them scurry. We're mean, cruel, selfish and disloyal. And more than a little bit stupid. We're Evil now, and we need to know it!