The Queen is Dead : Trivia

The verse

So I broke into the Palace
with a sponge and a rusty spanner
she said: "Eh, I know you, and you cannot sing"
I said: "that's nothing - you should hear me play piano"

is a reference to Michael Fagin, who had his fifteen minutes of fame in 1982 when, under the influence of alcohol, he gained entry into Buckingham Palace one night and had what I can only imagine to be a rather surreal conversation with the Queen, whilst sat on the edge of her bed. The British tabloid press had a field day with his revelation that the Queen and Prince Phillip slept in seperate beds.

The second pair of lines in the verse refer to a short-lived Sex Pistols sound-alike band called, unimaginatively, "The Bollock Brothers". Fagin "guest-starred" by providing vocals for their 1983 offering, "Never Mind The Bollocks '83", a putrid collection of synth-based Sex Pistols cover versions.