"The toilet seat at work" in numbers.

Introductory notes:
Two (2) days a week, for six (6) hours each, I (1) work in an architect's office, where everyone on my floor in male. That's a ratio of eleven to one (11:1).

As in most offices, we drink a lot of coffee here.

Further observations:
The toilet (1) area is conveniently located right next to the kitchen (1), and boasts an aerosol air freshener (1).
I was not surprised when I noted that there was no (0) disposal basket in sight.
I did not blink when I concluded that the damp, dirty towel would always be that way.
Still, when I realised that I always found the toilet seat to be properly horizontal, I was honestly bewildered.

Possible scenarios:
#1: They pee sitting.
#2: They pee standing with the toilet seat down.
#3: My work colleagues are extremely disciplined. Suffice to say, seven (7) of the non-offenders are married or used-to-be-married men and three (3) are in long-term relationships.

Futher studies:
All three scenarios are possible, yet the third seems to be most likely. I'm currently conducting a study that will resolve whether the last guy (1) ever passes urine at work.