• Apples. I was in the grocery store, and there was nothing on the shelves but tons of shiny red apples. I shoved as many as I could in my mouth, juice dripping down my chin.

  • Standing on the platform of a train station... felt the power of the train rushing by me, shaking the very core of my being. A newspaper floats silently by...

  • I'm running through the airport in Tampa, looking for... I don't know. Someone, something. "Who are you, where are you?" I spot my target-- a girl with long brown hair, blank face. "Wait!!" I scream. She turns. "Do I know you?" I ask. "I don't know," she says. "Do you know yourself?"

  • Loreena McKennitt's "Marco Polo" plays in the background... I'm sitting, smoking cigarettes, blowing the smoke upwards, clouds forming around me. A man is sitting in the room with me. Dark, shadows, confusion. Is this who I think it is? Yes and no. "I thought you were gone. I thought I was rid of you." I whisper. He stands, throws a candle at me, igniting my dress. "Blow out your own smoke, bitch," he replies.