I always seem to node on a Friday. Why's that? Always daylogs too, for that matter!
Today was a bit of an execption because I wrote 3 nodes with a total of 1 rep between them! This is the point where I try to figure out what went wrong then consider having them nuked. (Feel free to check them out - hint hint.)

Nothing much has happened since my last daylog so I'll just have to give you a brief on what happened to me today!
Got up, got to work, skived off doing "stuff" for 45 minutes.
Sorted out some of my code and checked it all in to Source Safe for the weekend. This was only 11:30.
Planned some code in rough. Aside: I happen to be one of those rare programmers that writes it all down on paper before putting it onto the screen. Works well but looks like I don't do anything for a good few hours (sometimes days).
Pub lunch in Didsbury.
Came back, more planning with some interspersed reading of nodes in the past hour.

I was actually doing something constructive to my previous nodes, reading some at random and making corrections and updates as I saw fit.

GOD, when did I become so boring? I guess I'll just have to (re)tell the story of last Fridays little adventure.
In a nutshell, leave work early, got to the pub, drinks, curry with drinks, meet more people, more drinks, projectile vomiting! Needless to say, Saturday didn't happen and I probably shouldn't have been driving at 7pm either. Just a word of advise to everyone, Flaming Lambourginis are not funny, not clever and definately not a good idea! Enough killing time, I'm leaving now to go and see my beautiful girlfriend.

Noded today:
Fallowfield Music Festival

PS. I really like the format of Slides w/u at the top, not every day you see that!