What if you couldn’t have Christmas? 

This Entertainment is my contribution to “hip Christianity”, with a twist: I’m not evangelical. I’m High Church Anglican. We actually have people over 40 here. And children, and gays, and college students. So, we aren’t so much interested in “contemporary” stylings, as we are “inclusive” ways. 

When: After Christmas, before Three Kings. Nowadays, the media is talking about “New Year’s Resolutions” before the actual Christmastide is upon us. Screw them. You should have talked about Advent, and Hallmark ought to shut up. We’re having our own celebration, thank you, and the “Christmas season” doesn’t start at Thanksgiving.  This is  hardcore, we already know the “real meaning” of Christmas. And it starts on The Day.

Invitations: Secretive. (The Romans might find out!)  

Decorations: Brown paper tacked up. Candles. Oil lamps. LED’s. Fairy lights. Have a box  of Conte crayons, charcoal, markers, graphite sticks, or chalk for people to express the celebration.

Refreshments: Mediterranean (white pie with various toppings, chick peas, whatever.) Lamb. Goat. Some beef and/or chicken. Glow wine. (I know, it’s Scandinavian, but it kind of fits.) Juices. mineral water.Fruit, cheese, bread, honeyed fruit, baclava. Adventure club: Majoun. Even virgin. It’s good.

Dress code/costumes:  Guys: casual. Nothing with a number, no caps, no teams. Sorry about that. If you feel uncomfortable with formal dress, T-shirts and Jeans, OK. Suits/pants sport coat, also OK. Extra points for Bible/Roman/Greek/Egyptian cosplay. Will you be my Angel tonight?

Gals: Consider the fact that nearly all of the women considered to be sex symbols throughout history have done so completely covered from neck to ankle. That said, how about Bible cosplay? Think about it, Jezebel, the Queen of Sheba, Ohalibah,Rehab…..Or be a Saint! Be Byzantine! Go Medieval or Classical! Otherwise, just be nice. OK?

Music: Deep ambient, interspersed with Monastic. Deep chill. Echoes. Hearts of Space. Some people hear “electronic” and think “disco”. It’s nice to remind them that Brian Peter George St. John de le Salle Eno wrote wonderful and affecting “New Age” music that is not at all lame, nor salacious. (Though he did the latter, quite well.) Some people equate “New Age” with “sewage”. You know better. Some jazz. (Vince Gueraldi, not “Baby, it’s Cold Outside”.) 

Smells: You’ve got scented candles. Right? You know what to do. 

Entertainments: drawing on the walls. All ages can try their hands at classical games. (UR, Senat, Twelve Letters, Ball Pass, Dice, etc.) Drinking. Talking. Eating. Guilt-free JOY.