For anybody desiring to improve their body's performances, nutrition and a balanced diet is the key. Here is a list of the principal substances and what happens to them, including a couple of diet tips.

carbohydrate (sugar and starch)
This is cut up into glucose which is then put into the blood stream ; the body tries to maintain a constant level of glucose in the blood stream (sugar count) and all excess glucose is stored in the liver as glycogen (if there is not enough room, the rest may be turned into fat). The liver then releases glucose into the blood as and when you need it. Some glycogen is also stored in the muscle cells. Glucose is transformed into energy in your cells (mostly muscular ones), the residue being carbon dioxide and water. What happens within the cell will be explored in greater detail later on, as it is of capital importance to getting fit.

Carbohydrate will not make you fat (unless you eat too much). Carbohydrate comes in two major forms : those that taste sugary (sugar, fruit, honey) and the foods which "fill you up" (bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes). In the body, carbohydrate can be rated according to how quickly it is digested and makes it into the blood stream. This is not easily predictable, but a rule of thumb is that processed foods (like honey, corn-flakes, mashed potatoes, white bread) make it quicker into the blood stream than fiber-rich food (like whole-wheat, bread, fruit, birchermuesli, pasta) and, surprisingly enough, plain sugar. Eating the slower type will keep you going longer and prevent you from feeling hungry. Eating the faster type (like a chocolate bar) on the grounds that you need an energy booster is a often a fallacy.

Because the carbohydrate metabolism is quite fast, carbohydrates are the prime source of energy : they provide 4calories/g.

Protein is decomposed into amino acids which are used as building blocks to make and repair more cells. It is mostly found in meat and fish, but for vegans and vegetarians it is luckily also to be found in eggs, cheese and several vegetables. You should be careful to vary your protein sources, as there are 9 amino acids which the body cannot produce on it's own and there are no foods in which they are all found in sufficient quantities (the only single source containing all nine is mother's milk; another advantage of breast-feeding).

The protein metabolism is rather slow ; so although protein can provide 4calories/g, it is not much point expecting to use protein as a source of energy.

Fat accomplishes many small indispensable tasks in the body : mostly when it comes to absorbing nutrients that are not soluble in water. It gets stored in adipose cells whence it can be sent to other parts of the body if it is needed. It often is not, so fat will make you fat. Some types of fats do not go to the fatty cells as they should, but rather clog up the arteries and can lead to heart disease.

There is probably a fair amount of fat in your favorite food : biscuits, chocolate, ice-cream, crisps, peanuts etc. this is because we like the mouth-feel of fat. So if you enjoy some particular food (or some brand over another) it is possibly due to the larger amount of fat that it contains. There will still be plenty of fat left in your diet if you cut out all the cream cakes and buns.

The fat metabolism is very slow, so fat's 9calories/g usually become available when you are asleep ; the body just says "huh, don't need all that, put it all in the fat-cells in case we need it some other time". There is some research being done and it appears that there may exist a type of quickly-digestible fat which could be of use in sport nutrition.

H2O serves three main purposes in the body : it keeps you cool ; it carries all the nutrients round the body (in the blood-stream) ; it gets rid of all the waste toxins. In water, there are always some dissolved minerals ; the liquid in our cells also contain some. Because of the nature of the cell walls, a chemical effect called osmosis keeps the mineral-water proportions the same inside and outside the cell through water transfer. To make your body feel more comfortable, it can be good to drink isotonic drinks such as isostar or gatorade who's mineral proportions are similar to those of your body ; this will prevent the body from having to do extra work to get the proportions right in the blood. This is important in order to be able to absorb liquid as quickly as possible.

These are the principal macro-nutrients. It is a fairly safe bet that, unless you are already watching what you eat, you are eating too much and in the wrong proportions : too much fat, too much protein and too little carbohydrate. You probably don't drink enough : you should drink at least 2 liters a day ; and try to cut out some of the caffeine, alcohol and sugar in your drinks.

If you're starting to exercise, add even more water. Add carbohydrate (and make sure you compensate by reducing on fat). Protein will help if you get muscular pains, but be careful! Most protein-foods will be full of fat.

There are many micro-nutrients that are also essential but because there are so many of them, the best way to get them all is to vary your foods as much as possible - and include some fresh vegetables.