A spice often used in eggnog and occasionally in the production of Ecstasy. It can be used as a psychoactive drug in and of itself, although in my opinion this is highly inadvisable. If you must seek cheap, legal highs (with the inevitable nasty side effects), DM is much more interesting and less unpleasant.

I once took about two whole cloves in a fit of boredom and curiosity. I was high for about two hours—effects included slight speediness and a sensation that everything in my peripheral vision was vibrating. Not that interesting or memorable.

The hangover, however, was extremely memorable. After three or four hours of fitful sleep, I woke up with a terrible gnawing and turning sensation in my stomach. Further investigation revealed that I could not even stand up—I was forced to crawl to the bathroom. An attempt at puking produced only a thin stream of yellow liquid and absolutely no relief from the unbearable nausea. My head felt like mining gnomes were attempting to excavate my neural tissue with pickaxes and explosives.

I had to work that night. The ensuing shift was a terrible ordeal alleviated only by locking myself into a storeroom and moaning wretchedly.