How it feels during the bitter end; a bittersweet moment while it is occurring, and the emotional state associated with such an occurrence.

"Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans."
-- Allen Saunders

Alayak Cin, or more correctly Ąłaÿaĸ Çïn,is difficult to define for someone that has not experienced it. Imagine, if you will, that feeling of excitement when you have a bunch of great ideas for a project you want to do. You get one item done, and it generates negative feedback somehow, someway, that you weren't expecting. Not just constructive criticism either, but an implied rejection (or so it feels). That sinking feeling immediately after, when your excitement for the project not only diminishes but also goes away, only to be replaced with abject resignation, or even apathy? That's Ąłaÿaĸ Çïn. Nostalgia for something that was about to be. Sadness for an impending no more. Now, imagine the worst possible consequences: that is not Ąłaÿaĸ Çïn. Rarely applied to romantic relationships (but definitely to some moments during), the phrase comes from either an extinct language or from one yet to be discovered. I forget which and Webster never knew.

An example: One decides to surprise their recently acquired significant other with a home-cooked meal. After spending all day making them seafood gumbo and blackberry cobbler, they immediately respond to the surprise (and to one's surprise) by stating that they don't eat seafood and are allergic to blackberries. That feeling before the rage and the ordering of the pizza? That's Ąłaÿaĸ Çïn.

Definition provided by the LieQuest 2024: A Lie Quest of Mythologically Discordian Proportions archives.